‘Covid-19 vaccination cannot be insisted upon’ court, that tells about the myths behind the fears

Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
A lot of posers lurk out as whether Covid vaccine is the appropriate and unavoidable panacea against the pandemic, the answer is a resolute ‘NO’. The answer remains shrouded in mysteries of no clear know-how or no know-how. That much can be interpreted from the maze of many prevaricating obervations made by medical experts since last two years.
Nobody in the world so far has been able to determine about the vaccines’ or boosters’ efficacy and the end results on the ground have been made to be a zig-saw puzzle for all concerned.
So many observations are being read regarding the compulsive need of vaccinations or the subsequent booster dose, both in favour and the contrarian ones. Yet the ongoing hullabaloo over vaccination does not stop.
One thing is said, which was found unanimous, that the vaccines have after effects on the health of a man or woman jabbed. Now, in unison, several eminent medical practitioners in an unequivocal tone have said that, Covid is no much different from the Influenza which stuck its neck out about 100 years back in Spain and had claimed over 50 million lives and was known as ‘Spanish Flu’.
Flu or influenza, is still there either in the form of viral fever or flu with almost similar symptoms ascribed to Covid-19 and coincidentally or otherwise, the line of treatment are same as in the case of viral or cold fever.
There is no concrete say on the journey of the virus, either through droplets or airborne or physical contacts and any other.
From time to time the re-emergence new variants, have changed the opinions on symptoms. And the nomenclature too.
A time has come when the issue has become very curious leaving the laymen at their wits end.
Even the judiciary has been, perhaps, prodded by cases when some individuals sought to be spared from forced or insisted upon vaccinations for Covid. In an interesting case the the Delhi High Court has granted relief to a government school lecturer seeking permission to teach and undertake other responsibilities without being forced to take the vaccine.
Noting that the teacher, who moved court in 2021, was now vaccinated, Justice Prathiba M Singh permitted her to make a representation to the concerned authority for service benefits and directed that the decision on the same be taken within 30 days.
Personal autonomy is paramount
It is not the Delhi Court taking a singular stance on vaccination but the esteemed court relied on the judgment of Supreme Court in Jacob Puliyel v. Union of India & Ors wherein it was observed that personal autonomy of an individual encompasses the right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment in the sphere of individual health.
It also relied on the order passed by a coordinate bench in Narendar Kumar v. Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi wherein the Delhi Government submitted that in view of the Supreme Court ruling, no employer was insisting upon compulsory vaccination and that all employees had been permitted to re-join their posts without the stipulation of vaccination being mandated.
Perusing the said orders, Justice Singh observed: “In view of the above-mentioned orders relating to similar fact situations, the present petition, along with all pending applications, is disposed of with the direction that Covid-19 vaccination cannot be insisted upon by the employer, in terms of the various orders passed above.”
Even after the apex court’s judgement it has never drawn any critical or contrarian observation from the medical fraternity to justify the Covid-19 related jabs going on siince 2020, which has resulted in many instances of suffering of people who were jabbed.