Physical classes in Engineering colleges begin from today

Bhubaneswar : The physical classes in Technical Universities, Engineering and Professional Colleges, Polytechnics and Diploma Institutions and ITIs for all students of PG/UG/Diploma/ITI programmes will reopen across the State from today.
The Odisha government, considering the improvement in COVID-19 situation in the State, had on August 31 announced to reopen the Technical Universities, Engineering and Professional Colleges, Polytechnics & Diploma institutions and Ms of the State, under the administrative control of the Skill Development and Technical Education (SDTE) Department, to re-open their respective institutions for all students with effect from today.
However, it had issued a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and directed the concerned authorities to follow the SOP to prevent COVID infection.
Earlier, only the final year students were permitted to attend their classes at their institutions in physical mode from August 9.
Here is the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) which all the staff and students will have to follow for the physical classroom teaching:
- Physical classes shall be held in regular manner to cover all chapters of the syllabus irrespective of coverage of some chapters by online mode.
- Whenever possible, the physical classroom teaching shall be recorded and shared with absentee students.
- Following Covid-19 Prevention Protocols shall be followed.
- Teachers/Staff/Students residing in active containment zone shall not come to Universities/Colleges.
- Face Mask/ Face Cover shall be mandatory.
- Frequent Hand Wash/ Hand sanitization shall be ensured.
- Social Distancing (6 ft. distance) shall be adopted in classrooms, libraries, laboratories, etc. If needed, crowded classes can be divided into batches and teaching hours in a day can be extended.
- Spitting shall be strictly prohibited.
- Respiratory etiquettes shall be strictly followed. (i.e. Covering one’s mouth and nose by handkerchief while coughing/sneezing).
- Self-monitoring of health and reporting of illness should be encouraged.
- Hostels shall be opened from 05.09.2021. All possible Covid-19 prevention protocols shall be followed in hostels.
- In addition to the commencement of physical classroom teaching for all UG/PG courses, teaching and research activities shall also commence in physical mode w.e.f 06.09.2021.