
Watch Agitation At Par: Bihar RRB NTPC Aspirants Set Train On Fire, Block Rail Tracks

Patna: Aspirants for the RRB NTPC (Non-Technical Popular Categories) exam vandalized and set fire to a train in Gaya, Bihar, on Wednesday, citing alleged anomalies in the exam.

Reportedly, the aspirants have been protesting against the recruitment exam selection process for quite some time. On Tuesday, the railways published a general notice telling job applicants that individuals detected participating in vandalism and illegal conduct while demonstrating will be forbidden from working in the railway department. This came after demonstrators squatted on railway tracks in many locations throughout Bihar the day before.

Train set on fire in Bihar over Railways exam; Don't destroy 'own property', says Rail Min - India News

Meanwhile, SSP Gaya Aditya Kumar said, “The issue is now under control. The aspirants had set fire to a train and that some of the suspects had been identified.”

The SSP also urged students to remain calm, saying they should not harm government property.

Meanwhile, following violent demonstrations by the candidates, Railways today said that it has decided to suspend its NTPC and Level 1 tests. It has also established a high-level committee to investigate the issues of individuals who have passed and those who have failed in various exams conducted by the railway recruiting boards (RRBs).

After hearing from both parties, the committee will present a report to the railway ministry.

However, a protestor today said that the CBT 2 exam date had not been announced and that the Railway exam, announced in 2019, had not been updated.

The candidate demanded the annulment of the CBT 2 exam and the release of the exam results, saying that the result was still pending.

According to the railways, the committee will look into the results of the first stage CBT of the centralized employees notice issued in 2019 (CEN 01/2019) for NTPC, as well as the methodology used for shortlisting candidates for the second stage CBT without affecting those who have already been shortlisted, as well as the introduction of the second stage CBT in CEN RRC 01/2019.

Railways said that the candidates could contact the committee at with their problems and ideas.

All RRB chairpersons have also been asked to collect candidate grievances through their existing methods, collate them, and report them to the committee.

“In view of above, the 2nd Stage CBT of CEN 01/2019 (NTPC) beginning 15th February 2022 and 1st Stage CBT of CEN RRC 01/2019 beginning 23rd February stands postponed.” the railways said.

Deepak Peter, Chairperson, Railway Board’s Principal Executive Director (Industrial Relations); Rajiv Gandhi, Member Secretary, Railway Board’s Executive Director Establishment (RRB); Aditya Kumar, Member, Western Railway’s Chief Personnel Officer (Administration); Jagdish Alagar, Member Chairperson RRB/Chennai; Mukesh Gupta, Member Chairperson RRB/Bhopal are among the committee members.

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