The Mid-air Shock & Miracle, Passenger Let A Flight Down To Safety With Least Knowledge To Fly

With Anupama Dash, D. N Singh
May 16: It was an indisputable miracle that a normal passenger on board a flight in the mid-air could make the touch down when the pilot of the plane suddenly became ill and unable to fly.
It were the guts and patience of Darren Harrison, which helped and the passenger mentioned that “the hand of God” was with him when he landed the plane to his and pilot’s safety.
Harrison says that he was relaxing with his feet up in the back of the single-engine Cessna after a fishing trip in the Bahamas when the pilot told him and another passenger: “Guys, I gotta tell you I don’t feel good.” The 39-year-old flooring salesman Darren says he kept his cool as pilot said “I’ve got a headache and I’m fuzzy and I just don’t feel right.”
This is brand new video (courtesy of Jeff Chandler) of a passenger landing a plane today at PBIA.
His pilot had passed out, and the passenger with zero flight experience was forced to land the plane.
Team coverage of this amazing landing is on @WPBF25News at 11.
— Ari Hait (@wpbf_ari) May 11, 2022
The pilot was taken out and Harrison got into his position and took the headgear on. It was a battle between ones ignorance and the instinct to live that came into play through Darren.
Neither it was an act of dare-devil nor an enactment of scripted plot of any Action Movie. It’s Darren’s deep-rooted self confidence and good-will to save others and self out of danger. He reached an air traffic controller in Florida. Asked if he knew the plane’s position, Darren said the GPS was out so he had no idea. According to Flight Aware, the plane had taken off earlier Tuesday from Marsh Harbour International Airport in the Bahamas.