For good growth of money plant, do this work once a week, the leaves will remain green and shiny.

How to make money plant green
The trend of planting trees in homes has increased rapidly in the last few years. You will definitely find some plants in every house. Money plant is a plant which is found in most of the houses. As beautiful as the money plant looks, this plant is considered good for your health and prosperity. Money plant is an easy plant to grow throughout the year. Its beautiful green leaves add to the beauty of the house. But the money plant planted in the house of some people starts drying up. Leaves turn yellow. The reason for this is not taking proper care of the money plant. Apart from fertilizer and water, the money plant likes one thing the most. Due to which the plant always remains green. This keeps the leaves of the money plant new and shiny. Know what should be done to keep the money plant green?
How to keep a money plant green
Give a shower to the money plant- To keep the money plant green, it also likes to be bathed with fertilizer and water. Yes, money plant loves taking shower. If you just add water and fertilizer to the roots, the plant will not grow well. The leaves will not have that shine which gives a completely fresh feeling. For this, bathe the money plant from above once or twice a week. Fill water in a spray bottle and spray it on the leaves. By doing this the leaves will remain clean, green and shiny. Money plant loves shower.
3 things necessary for money plant- Dirt and dust get accumulated especially on the leaves of money plant during winters. The plant does not need a lot of water. Therefore, you just keep spraying water on the leaves 1-2 times a week. Keep the money plant in the sun 1-2 times a week. After this, keep the plant inside if you want. If you keep the money plant indoor, then keep it at a place where it gets adequate light. For good growth of any plant, these 3 things are required – sunlight, water and fertilizer.