No Need Of The Night Curfews At All, Day Time Restraints Are Important

By D N Singh
Do night curfews really play a role in the containment over the spread of infections of Covid-19 or of any of its variants? Or this is just to show the administration of states are doing something on the Covid-19.
Opinions of doctors vary. While some say that, it is necessary to restrain the nigh time movements and help containing the spread, some virtually reject the concept.
According to the noted physician Dr. Ashok Mehta,” it has very minimal impact or no impact at all” as regards controlling the virus spread.
Dr.Mehta further adds that, when the people and all the activities are let go in full swing during the day and till late-evenings with most of the preventive gears like masks and other guidelines dropped, why then this night curfews.
The transmissions mainly accelerate during the free times. When people come out and some many of them with a reckless ease, markets thrown open minus the norms and people jostle around and that is when it is required to control the spread.
“Many things are in the hands of the people and they should be willing to go by the SOPs. You cannot expect the authorities to sit with the lens to monitor activities” said Dr Neeraj Mishra, a Medicine Specialist.
In fact, an almost two years long awareness is enough and now people have come to know every bit. If Omicron is a new threat then the guidelines are more or less same as Covid. It has to be simply followed.
So the night curfews are simply are exercises at creating an air of fear without any real impact at the ground.