If you use coffee like this, every white hair on your head will turn black from the roots, know how to make this natural dye?

How to use coffee for gray hair
Graying of hair is a normal process. People’s hair usually starts turning gray after the age of 30 to 35. People use dye to hide gray hair. You keep making this same mistake. If your hair starts graying then you should not use dye. Dye contains many types of chemicals which harm your hair. Hair also starts falling due to dye. In such a situation, one should try not to apply dye to the hair. Now you might be wondering what to do if you don’t apply dye? So let us tell you that you can use coffee instead of dye to protect your hair from graying. Let us know how to make and apply coffee dye for gray hair?
How to make coffee hair dye powder?
First of all, turn on the gas and place the pan. Pour 1 glass of water into the pan. When the water starts boiling, add 2 spoons of coffee in it. Let the water boil for a while. After that add half cup of henna powder in this water and mix it well. Gradually, when the water starts thickening, add one spoon of Amla powder in it and mix it well.
By adding Amla, the color of your hair becomes very dark. Before turning off the gas, check the consistency of the dye, it should not be too thin or thick. When the coffee hair dye powder is ready, add half a teaspoon of lemon juice to it. For better results, keep it overnight or use it after at least 3 to 4 hours.
How to use hair dye powder?
To use hair dye, first wash your hair. When the hair dries, apply this hair dye on white hair with the help of a brush. Keep this dye on your hair for at least 2 hours. After the stipulated time, wash your hair (keep in mind that do not wash your hair with shampoo). Do oiling at night and then wash your hair with shampoo the next day.