Priyanka Fails To Walk The Talk

New Delhi, Mar 12: Everything has gone tupsy-turvy for the opposition parties, if one can say, seeing what has played itself out in all the states’s assembly elections.
While the opposition in general has suffered the huge embarrassment, the Congress has exhibited a phenomennal relegation in its credibility.
More so, it has come in a magnitude which has not only left a defeatist impulse for the party as a whole but for the Gandhis in particular who tried all the implausible political stricks in the book for such an epilogue.
Since Priyanka Gandhi spearhaded the battle in UP with the sloganeering like, ‘Ladki hoon, Lad Sakti Hoon’ but she lost the battle in UP like never before and her party has bitten dust in Punjab.
What is apparent that, the Congress, as in earlier times, has remained encapsuled in a family which of late rested heavily on Priyanka.
With the halo of her illustrious grandma Indira Gandhi, who had taken the plunge into the hustings in recent times.
But in politics, it is the issue which matters the most than mere rhetoric and tirades at the ruling dispensation. Somewhere and somehow, the battle appeared half fought if seen from the opposition unity aspect.
Let alone an united opposition under the Congress, there was not even a rag-tag feel of fighting with a togetherness.