Chennai: MGM Healthcare today announced that it has successfully performed a rare 10-hour surgery on a 69-year-old man from West Bengal and cured his long-drawn hearing ailment that caused constant ringing in both his ears.
Five years passed and the disability from the constant sound became very difficult for the patient Brajeshwar.
The severity of his tinnitus scored 4 out of a total of 5. A video consultation was arranged. The hospital after a detailed history taking and looking at all his investigations, asked for an MRI to look at the hearing nerves on both sides which showed blood vessels in close contact with the
hearing nerves of both sides.
A second video consultation was done and the patient and his family were counselled that he would perhaps be helped by Microvascular Decompression surgery of the Cochleo-vestibular Nerve Complex. Dr K Sridhar, Director and Group Head, Institute of Neurosciences and Spinal Disorders, who headed the surgical team, told newsmen here today that this is the first time in the world that a Microvascular
Decompression of the Cochleo-vestibular Nerve, was performed on both the ears at the same time.
“The patient wanted both sides to be done at the same time as it would be difficult for him to come to the city from Bengal. Two days after the surgery, the Tinnitus reduced considerably and the patient was discharged from the hospital,” he said. Brajeshwar approached the doctors at MGM with complaint of constant ringing in one of his ears.
A video consultation with Dr. Sridhar ascertained that he was suffering from a condition called the “Intractable Tinnitus”. The constant high-pitched ringing and buzzing in ears results in sleeplessness affecting their capability to concentrate.