On The Day Of Girl Child, Realities Must Shame The Society And Laws Need To Be Harsher

By D N Singh
Can there be worse a coincidence than what has transpired on this day of National Girl Child Day. In Puri there an alleged crime of rape has been committed on a five year old girl!
Why do we take to such customary observation of days for such great causes? One need not go far to find the reason behind such bestial acts which have become a regular feature in the society. And it is not in Odisha alone but all over the country.
Its all about a mind-set. That’s the bigger question as how does such incidents take place on the face of a stronger form of laws in place.
What apparently seems missing is the fear of the laws or otherwise the alleged laxity in the implementations.
An untold number of such crimes against minor children or women surface with unfailing regularity yet in many cases the tardy pace of the judicial procedures lending the handle for such heinous perpetrators to escape the arms of the laws established.
And we cannot lose sight of the sluggish pace of the police investigations which fails to arrive at a desired conclusion of such cases.
Difficult to digest that India has been ranked the most dangerous country in the world for women, a report in 2918 by Thompson Reuters Foundation.
Abduction, rape and murder have become frequent and no state can boast of any clean record. The month of June had remained as one of the most ominous in the series of crimes against girl children. It is not the case of the states but, the magnitude of such crimes those matter and grow to be more challenging in the days passing by.
What is most shocking and horrifying is the incidences of rape and murder of children below or near the age group of 5 to 6.
One thing is the lack of fear of the law and the second most dangerous aspect is the beasts living within the human. Else it is difficult to think that any perpetrators can even find any reason of satisfaction by such dastardly acts.
The laws must be amended and there should be no room for any legal breather whatsoever. Rape is a crime that cannot be allowed for any excuse and the parameters of the laws need to be more uncompromising. That is where the full-stop to be there.
Every few seconds such crimes of rape and murder takes place in India and what can be more dangerous a situation we live in this age of civility.