
Tears on woolen clothes? Adopt a very easy method, clothes will become like new again

Method to remove lint from woolen clothes

Image Source : FREEPIK
Method to remove lint from woolen clothes

Winter clothes require more care than summer clothes. If you do not take care of woolen clothes, very soon lint starts appearing on the clothes. People often stop wearing that cloth due to lint coming out. If you also face such problems with woolen clothes during the winter season, then you can try this hack.

rolling pin will prove effective

You will be surprised to know that a roti rolling pin kept in the kitchen can prove to be effective in removing lint from woolen clothes. For this you have to stick the double sided tape well on the cylinder. After this you remove the cover of the tape.

correct way to use

Roll this cylinder on your sweater with firm hands so that all the fibers stick to the tape and get separated from the sweater. Believe me, you too will be shocked to see the result of this trick. If there are more lint on your sweater, you can repeat this trick. Let us tell you that due to lint, the entire show of your woolen clothes gets spoiled, hence by following this hack sitting at home, you can easily make your woolen clothes look like new.

You can buy hair removal machine

For your information, let us tell you that hair removal machine can also be easily available in the market. You will not have to spend a lot of money to buy this machine. By using this machine you can remove lint from your sweater within a few minutes. Believe me, your woolen clothes will look like new again.

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