If you want to protect yourself from the suffocating winds of Delhi, then do these lung strengthening yoga asanas every morning.

Which yoga is best for lung
The air quality (AQI) in the country’s capital Delhi and its surrounding areas reached very poor conditions. On Tuesday, the overall AQI of Delhi was recorded at 470, while in some areas the air quality was recorded above 500. The pollution situation remains serious, due to which health risks have also increased in the Delhi-NCR region. Due to prolonged exposure to harmful pollution, lungs start getting damaged due to which the body can become vulnerable to diseases like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer. Therefore, to keep yourself healthy, include yoga in your life. Swami Ramdev recommends doing yoga daily. According to Baba Ramdev, yoga is an effective way to deal with air pollution. This makes your lungs, liver and kidneys healthy and also strengthens your immunity. Because of yoga you can get relief from many major diseases. Today we will tell you about some such yoga which will save you from the effects of pollution.
This yoga asana is best for healthy lungs:
Dhanurasana:Asanas like Dhanurasana strengthen the respiratory muscles including the diaphragm. While doing this asana, slow and deep breathing helps in flushing out the toxins. Dhanurasana stretches the chest, strengthens the back muscles, and increases lung capacity.
Gaumukhasana– By doing this asana, the lungs will remain healthy. Along with this, you will get relief from gastric and cervical pain. Apart from this, the digestive system also remains fit. Body posture improves. Along with this, it removes fatigue, stress and anxiety.
matsyasana: Asana, known as Matsyasana, is known for its excellent effects on the lungs and heart. This asana helps in increasing oxygen. This is very easy to do.
Bhujangasana– Bhujangasana is an excellent yoga asana to increase lung capacity because it is done while lying on the back. Get relief from lung related problems. You will get relief from every problem related to liver. Along with this it helps in reducing weight.
Mercatasana– This asana is good for the lungs. Apart from this, it helps in making the spine flexible. Eliminate joint pain from its roots. Also provides relief from back pain and stomach pain