Beware of those asking you to not speak up about injustice: Sanal Sashidharan

Chennai, Aug 27 : Well-known Malayalam director Sanal K. Sashidharan has asked his followers on social media to be cautious of those who advise people to not go public with grievances about injustices.
Taking to Instagram, the popular director said: “We must beware of those who advise us not to go public with grievances about injustices. They are either hunters or hounds that help hunters.”
“The exploiters who are the perpetrators of injustices have cunningly created a public perception that it is humiliating to complain in front of the public.
“They downgrade voices against injustice raised in front of the public with words like ‘crying’ and ‘screaming’.
The only challenge for these people who have manipulated all the mechanisms ensuring justice with money and influence, is the potential resistance against injustice in the general public.
“They can also manipulate the public but it takes time and effort for them. That’s why they try to create an illusion in the minds of the victims that raising complaints before the public is a big shame.”
“As a result of their efforts over time, such a sense has been established in the society also. This is why those who face injustice hesitate to even cry out loud. These exploiters will sew a false hat of pride to all those who are in a situation where the society will listen easily if they cry out.”
“Such a trick is the noble image given to women. Women hesitate to scream even when faced with brutal violence, fearing that it will be lost if they scream.”
“It is these same exploiters who question why the victimised women did not raise their voices when they came to complain before the justice systems controlled by the exploiters themselves.”
“Another group of people who have been given a false crown of pride, which breaks down when they scream like women, are those who work in the field of art and culture.”
“These exploiters devise strategies to ensure that cultural activists do not cry out because the public will pay attention to their cries. Not falling for these hypocrisies is very essential to ensure truth and justice in these days when the mechanisms for ensuring justice are all rotten.”
“Teach your children not to be afraid to shout out or scream if necessary. Let’s all remember that shame is nothing but falling prey to the ploys of sleazy exploitation. Realise that those who bark and jump like stray dogs when you scream are shadows that feed on the scum of the exploiters.”