Kettle Calling The Pot Black! The Peaceniks On Ukraine Could Revisit History For Once, Biden At Least

By D N Singh
Today several nations are in a none-stop mode to condemn the war by Russia on Ukraine. And that is justifiable as regards the sufferings of people, loss of lives, and more so, the indescribable pain caused to the children, mentally and physically during such wars and in Ukraine as well. The pensive partings of families and an unfathomable blizzard of mayhem.
Notwithstanding Russia’s strategic compulsions for security, any war is bad. Wars take place due to circumstances or the provocations. And this time, NATO members led by US are somehow responsible in bringing the situation to this boiling state, in one way.
But America, in particular, has no moral right to lecture the world over invasions, blood-baths and genocidal acts perpetrated in the past. Any American can turn-back the pages of history to see the footprints of blood on the soils of Vietnam, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.
Which in recollection of the history present the bloodiest collage of unprovoked attacks for obvious interests of US. Domination, subjugation, expansions and material greed like oil.
When Hot-Line Burnt In White House At Early Dawn
What had US done in North Vietnam had been recorded and reported in then media and later in the history. War never paid any dividends out of the devastating war waged between South Vietnam with the direct military support of US ( over one million US forces were deployed to help the genocidal warfare) and on the other was North Vietnam. Which had only the indirect yet distanced support of then Soviet Union.
War broke out between the North and South. From 1958 onwards, the South came under increasing attacks from communists in South Vietnam itself. They were called the National Liberation Front (NLF).
With the Americans taking the plunge just to stop the spread of Communism, as under Ngo Dinh Diem, the war started and went on for years and years, perpetration of all the inhuman and genocidal adoption of aggression and in 1968, the war inched towards an epilogue.
When the Hotline in the White House burnt at 4 am, a perturbed Richard Nixon climbed down four stairs to respond to the Prime minister of Soviet Union, Kosygin.
There came the warning from Moscow, ‘stop it at Vietnam else the 7th Fleet has almost anchored and the consequence would be what, Tet Offensive, you know’.
Perplexed silence from Nixon was the indication of an end of the war. Untold number of civilians died, some in bunkers, women were outraged and children died in the bloody battle of over almost decade.
Greed Of Wealth & War
So did happen in Afghanithan and what happened in Iraq for Oil wealth is not very old an incident. Sadam Hussain was dragged out of his hiding and was practically waylaid to oblivion.
So it happened in Sirya and what was the quest hidden behind the American minds, it was oil again. Sirya was pummeled by bombs like it was in Iraq.
Then where were the peaceniks of today. What is happening in Ukraine is bad but what had happened in the past decades were disastrous.
Graham Green’s ‘The Quiet American’ was a book which envelops the history of the Vietnam war which he covered as a war correspondent.