Art & CultureOdisha
No Makar Mela At Baghamari Amid Covid-19 Fears

Khurda: Within the rapid increase in Covid-19 cases, the famous Makar Mela Baghamari at Atri Hot Water Spring-based shrine of Lord Hattakeshwar Dev won’t be conducted this year.
The District admin has imposed Section 144 at Hattakeshwar temple and Atri spring premises until further orders. However, rituals will be done with a maximum of 5 priests.
It is pertinent to mention that a huge mass of of childless married women both from the State and outside are usually seen thronging this sacred citadel even in this era of science and ultra modern medical treatment.
The blessed women also bring their year-old children for the darshan of the deity as well as get the head of the child tonsured as a mark of reverence and gratefulness offered to Lord Hattakeshwar Dev.