Kartik Purnima : Early Morning Filled With Of ‘Aa Ka Ma Boi, Pana Gua Thoi…’ Chants

Bhubaneswar: The early morning was purely filled with of ‘Aa Ka Ma Boi, Pana gua thoi…’ chants. On the occasion of Kartik Purnima, devotees float their boats placing betel leaves and nuts called ‘Boita Bandana’ in different ponds and rivers all over Odisha.
Odia people float their toy boats made of paper or banana stems for Kartik Purnima. Also known as Rasa Purnima, it marks the end of the month of Kartik, when Odia families refrain from consuming non-vegetarian food for a month after which they celebrate ‘Chada Khai’ to resume non-vegetarian food.
According to the tradition, this is the time when our forefathers used to cross the sea and go on trade to Java, Sumatra, Bali. People then visit different temples and pray for the prosperity and the well-being of their families.