Bhubaneswar: In view of the security concerns the Commissionerate Police has released a public notice, announcing the diversion of traffic on different roads in the vicinity of the State Assembly during the Winter Session starting on 1st December.
As per the notice, vehicles will be diverted during the progress of the 8th session of the 16th Odisha Legislative Assembly which will commence on December 1, 2021. The rules will remain in place till December 31 while the Assembly session is on.
As per the notice:
- Vehicles coming from Housing Board Square will take a diversion from Keshari Talkies square taking a left turn.
- Vehicles coming from AG square towards PMG square will take a diversion by turning right from Jaydev Bhawan and move on Indira Gandhi park road.
- All vehicles coming from Master Canteen square will be diverted towards adjoining lanes on lower PMG.
- All vehicles coming from 120 Infantry Battalion square intending to proceed towards Rabindra Mandap will be diverted towards Power House Square.
- The vehicles coming from Raj Bhawan square towards MLA colony and Rabindra Mandap will be diverted towards Shastrinagar square.
The restrictions will be imposed for the general public in view of safety. The rules will not be applicable to vehicles authorized to enter the official buildings including the State Assembly, the State Secretariat and other government offices located in the area. The traffic regulations are ordered under section 28 of the Odisha Urban Police Act, 2003, the notice stated.