Curfew Relaxed Further As Situation Improving In Sambalpur

Sambalpur: As the law and order situation is improving in Sambalpur, which had recently witnessed violence during Hanuman Jayanti celebrations, the district administration has further relaxed the curfew timings in the city by two hours, officials said on Tuesday.
Internet services were suspended and a curfew was imposed on this western Odisha town after it witnessed group clashes on the eve of Hanuman Jayanti on April 12 and again n April 14. Several persons, including 10 policemen engaged in law and order duty sustained injuries during these clashes.
On Sunday, internet services were fully restored after 10 days, while the administration relaxed the curfew from 5 am to 8 pm in the western Odisha city.
The police have over 100 people in connection with violence and the killing of a tribal youth on the day of Hanuman Jayanti on April 14.