Brighten yellowed bathroom walls in minutes, use this solution instead of soap

How to clean bathroom walls and tiles
Your dirty bathroom can become the root of diseases in the house, so keep cleaning the bathroom from time to time. In the bathroom, it is important to clean not only the toilet seat, wash basin and floor but also the walls. In the long run, soap and shampoo marks remain on the bathroom walls. Which gradually start appearing yellow and ugly in color. If the bathroom walls are not cleaned for a long time, fungus starts appearing. Therefore, the bathroom walls must be cleaned at least once a month?
To clean bathroom walls or tiles, prepare an effective solution at home instead of soap. With the help of this solution, you can clean the dirty walls of the bathroom within minutes. With this, you will not need to rub the bathroom walls too much.
How to clean bathroom walls
You can use acid to clean stubborn stains on bathroom walls. For this, mix acid in water and fill it in a bottle. Now spray it where the stain is. Later clean the stain with a microfiber cloth. The stains on the wall will be easily cleaned with water.
Bleaching powder can be used to clean any kind of stains. With this the stains disappear naturally. For this, mix 1 teaspoon bleaching powder in 1 bowl of water. Mix it with the help of a spoon and apply it on the stain. After some time, wet the wall with water and clean it by rubbing it with a toothbrush.
Dirty bathroom walls can also be cleaned with lemon and shampoo. Add some shampoo in half a cup of water and squeeze 1 lemon in it. Mix everything well and apply it on the stain with the help of a cloth. This will clear the stains on the bathroom wall.