Survival Of Life Faces A Slow Perish As The World Ozone Day Being Commemorated On Sept 16

By D N Singh
On 16th September we celebrate or observe the anniversary of the Montreal Protocol on Substances of the Ozone depletion. In fact, the initiative taken in 1987 September 16, 35 years back was a delayed one by any yardstick of the rapidly deteriorating environmental conditions in the globe.
Had it been earlier, then it could have been a momentous time and commemoration as regards preservation of the Ozone layer, which is a 3mm shield in the stratosphere that is saving the life blooming on Earth from the harmful UV rays. So it can be imagined as how significant is the Ozone Layer.
Undisputedly, The Montreal Protocol remains the first treaty in the history of the UN to achieve universal ratification and brought together over 197 countries to collectively agree to protect the stratospheric ozone layer and phase out the production and consumption of Ozone-Depleting Substances (ODS).
Thus, blocking ultraviolet radiation with wavelengths between 315 and 280 nanometers, which can be lethal in large doses, the ozone layer has aided the evolution of life on Earth and f.acilitated organisms to thrive.
Else, biological processes necessary for the survival of life and without this barrier, our ecosystem would perish
That way the treaty was a great step but, as understood by many, the repair process of the depleted parts of the Ozone Layer is not that, rapid although, some initiatives have shown signs of healings.
It is good to read that a repair process is manifest but simultaneously, the biological changes on the earth cannot be overlooked.
It is not about the climate change but, the innate fabrics for survival of life is on the diminish which is seen through the gradual invasion of new diseases posing as most dangerous and the medical fraternity is still scrambling for wits.
From 1918 Spanish flue, about a century back, to this date, the naked dance by several viruses have lengthen the list. Coronavirus, then so many mutants chasing on its heels, new nomenclatures unheard of attack human and animal health.
A decay is on and in comparison, the repairs are far and few in between.