Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
The drastic transition from fossil fuel to the so called renewal energy driven vehicles is problematic. There should not be one option versus the other but a lot of in-between.
Automobile manufacturers are already improvising. We have hybrid vehicles. We have reduced the emission levels. We have CNG operated vehicles. We are using ethanol, though it too is problematic.
If we completely transition into electric vehicles as has been decided we will fall into a trap.
In many discussions a number of proposals have been placed before the decision makers. Increasing mass transport systems, using canals and rivers, dedicated space for cycles etc.
As some are pointing out, over crowded cities are a problem. These cities also have unsustainable lifestyles. Despite the obvious downside cities are however being preferred.
The rural areas, instead of being supported with alternative sustainable means of development, are being systematically emptied. The land is needed for corporate agriculture and mining.
The emphasis is on smart cities where the entire population will be herded into. There is a premonition and underlying assumption that many will die and the remaining will live in these cities.
The cities will have limits. There will be 15 minute neighbourhoods as is already being implemented in China and experimented in Australia and UK. People will be allowed to roam within these limits. Some are setting a limit of 20 minutes. These are part of the UN sustainable development goals as a response to environmental crisis and climate change.
In this scenario electric vehicles are very useful as they can be controlled. They will automatically switch off if they venture beyond the limits. The people can also be tracked. I am sure there are other ideas too. If electric grids are shut down you can lockdown any city that has only electric vehicles for transport.
Technological advances are being utilized to build a high surveillance prison.
We should also imagine what would happen when the huge infrastructure for manufacturing traditional vehicles is suddenly taken down. This is inevitable as there are now instructions that old vehicles on road are to be systematically scrapped.
Think of the loss of investment and the consequent unemployment. This pain is not always visible. I was in the watch sector and have witnessed the transition from mechanical to quartz watches. The automobile sector is a million fold greater in size and the dynamics is really complicated. We will not just shut down the automobile industry but entire sectors that supply raw materials and parts to it.
The transition to the new world order will be painful as is being discussed in the various International meetings. It will lead to total chaos. This chaos will be aided and abetted to herd the people into a new system.
Very soon we will find ourselves in a soup and the carrot that will be offered as “the only option” will not be to our liking.
If change is needed it should be ushered in democratically and according to the collective wish of the people. This is not being done.
We have elected our political leaders. But they are not deciding anything. The directions are coming from members of organizations who have no legal or political standing. The democratic base has for a long period of time been totally eroded.
If emissions are the concern, the rich and super rich, their lifestyles and private jets are responsible. This is very clear and cannot be denied. But the restrictions are being imposed on the common people who anyway are living sustainable lifestyles being limited by income.
In the new system there will be no restrictions on the super rich who are herding others into it.
Let there be debates and discussions. Let there be transparency and accountability. Let the people decide.