Odisha to include backward classes in the state list of SEBC

Bhubaneswar, Apr 24: The Odisha Cabinet on Monday approved the proposal for promulgation of Ordinance for amendment of the Odisha State Commission for Backward Classes (OSCBC) Act, 1993.
The ordinance was amended by inserting subsection 3 under Section-9, enabling the State government to include such Backward Classes in the State list of SEBCs.
The Article 15(4) of the Constitution of India enables the State to make any special provisions for the advancement of any Socially and Educationally Backward Classes of citizens.
Further, Article 46 of the Constitution of India provides that, the State shall promote, with special care, the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people and shall protect them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation.
Official sources said the promulgation of Ordinance for amendment of the Odisha State Commission for Backward Classes (OSCBC) Act, 1993 will include the Backward Classes which have been specified in the central list of OBCs for the State of Odisha.
Presently, there are 22 numbers of castes/communities along with their synonyms, which have already been notified by the government of India as OBCs for the State of Odisha, through various notifications from time to time with regard to their social and educational backwardness, but they have not yet been included in the list of SEBCs of Odisha
In view of the social and educational backwardness of these 22 numbers of castes/ communities along with their synonyms, they are required to be included in the list of SEBCs for the State of Odisha for extending all social welfare measures and benefits leading to their inclusive growth, thereby bringing them to the mainstream of development.