HealthStates and UTs
In A First In India Justice Indira Banerjee Inaugurates First Teladoc Telemedicine Consultation Clinic, Check Exclusive Details

Kolkata, April 25: Supreme Court judge Indira Banerjee has unveiled India’s first Teladoc Telemedicine Consultation Clinic in this city, set up by Meenakshi Mission Hospital of Madurai. The clinic, set up at Elliot Road in the central part of the city, is equipped with Teladoc, considered the world’s most advanced telemedicine platform, which is currently being used by 6 of the 10 best hospitals in the world.

Teladoc, a US-based telehealth technology, is redefining whole-person virtual care. It features capabilities that extend from automation of clinical examinations to real time transfer of data related to vital healthcare parameters of patients to processing of data for doctors to arrive at better clinical decisions “ Such advanced teleconsultation clinics were much needed in Kolkata. Every year, many patients from West Bengal come to our hospital for treatment,” chairman of Meenakshi Mission Hospital & Research Center, S Gurushankar said.
” This facility brings us closer to people in the state looking for high-quality medical care at affordable cost. Teladoc, a global leader in whole-person virtual care, is considered the world’s most advanced telemedicine platform. We are the only hospital in India to set up a telemedicine centre based entirely on Teladoc. We are now setting up exclusive telemedicine centers in select locations across the country, from where patients can connect with experts from various specialties at our hospital. They can avoid unnecessary travel. Besides, the cost of availing services of a tertiary hospital in a tier-II city like Madurai is much less than comparable facility in a big metro. Thousands of patients from West Bengal will benefit from our Teladoc-equipped teleconsultation center in Kolkata.”
Gurushankar elaborated West Bengal state health and family welfare principal secretary Narayan Swaroop Nigam was also present to witness the inauguration of the family on Sunday. UNI