Odisha Government Introduces Inclusive Urban Sanitation Policy 2024

Bhubaneswar: In a move towards achieving inclusive, equitable, and sustainable sanitation services, the state government of Odisha has notified the “Odisha Inclusive Urban Sanitation Policy 2024.” This policy, announced on Sunday, aims to align the state’s vision with modern concepts such as circular economy, community partnership, disaster resilience, and urban-rural convergence within the sanitation sector.
According to a gazette notification by the Housing and Urban Development Department, the policy will come into force from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. This initiative is part of the Swachh Odisha, Sustha Odisha movement, reflecting the government’s commitment to improving citizens’ access to sanitation infrastructure and services across cities and towns.
Over the years, the government of Odisha has undertaken various urban sanitation initiatives focused on enhancing infrastructure, decentralizing governance, and fostering innovative community partnerships. These efforts have led to a positive transformation in urban sanitation, with increased coverage and the adoption of innovative practices.
The previous Odisha Urban Sanitation Policy of 2017 aimed at achieving safe sanitation in all cities through Faecal Sludge and Septage Management (FSSM). Subsequently, the state prioritized City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) and gender transformative outcomes, prompting a revision of the policy to reflect inclusive approaches explicitly.
With the high decadal urban growth experienced by Odisha, there is now a focus on expanding and sustaining sanitation efforts. The Odisha Inclusive Urban Sanitation Policy, 2024, has been drafted to address this need for a more informed, integrated, and cohesive policy framework.
Aligned with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6.2 on Sanitation and Hygiene and the United Nations Human Right to Sanitation, the policy emphasizes adequate and equitable sanitation for all, with a special focus on women, children, and vulnerable individuals. Additionally, it advocates for climate-resilient infrastructure and communities, particularly for urban residents belonging to Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) and other marginalized groups.
The Odisha government, under the leadership of Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri Naveen Patnaik, is committed to achieving and sustaining sanitation outcomes with an inclusive approach and the 5T governance framework. Through the Odisha Inclusive Urban Sanitation Policy, 2024, the state aims to expedite efforts towards instituting inclusive, participatory, sustainable, and accountable sanitation processes and structures. The ultimate goal is to ensure improved service delivery outcomes for the entirety of the urban population in the State, leaving no one behind in the journey towards sanitation for all.