Sambalpur: Today is Sambalpuri Day. Odisha celebrates the Sambalpuri Din as a tribute to Koshali hero Guru Satyanarayan Bohidhar on his birth anniversary. He is the director of Sambalpuri literature who gave a new direction to Koshali language. This day is celebrated as Sambalpuri Day in the state and abroad as well.
The contribution of Bohidar to earn recognition for Koshali as a distinct language with its own grammar and pronunciation. When Koshali language was struggling to survive, it was Bohidar who realized that the language would meet a slow but sure death unless some impetus was given to keep it alive. He took it upon himself to not only promote Koshali but also reveal its all ingredients that are necessary to qualify it as a language to public knowledge.
On this occasion, a glimpse of Sambalpuri culture will be displayed. From stage to social media to govt offices of Sambalpur district the culture shines brighter in traditional attire. To remember the nobel works of Guru Satyanarayan the Sambalpuri Din will be organized at various places. There will be stalls for Sambalpuri clothes, cultural programs will be staged. People participating in the program can enjoy Sambalpuri dance, songs and traditional food of Western Odisha.