
While preparing these vegetables, do not make the mistake of adding cumin seeds, the entire taste will become gritty.

Which vegetables do not contain cumin?- India TV Hindi

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Which vegetables do not contain cumin?

Many types of spices are used while cooking in India. But it is not necessary to use the same type of spices while preparing all the vegetables. By using cumin while preparing some vegetables, their taste can be increased manifold. At the same time, adding cumin to some vegetables can spoil their taste. Let us know about some such vegetables, which you should not make the mistake of adding cumin while cooking.

cheese curry

Many people in India eat paneer curry with great enthusiasm. If you also like to eat Matar Paneer, then you should not use cumin while making this dish. If you add cumin seeds to this vegetable while cooking it, then the entire taste of your vegetable will be spoiled.

brinjal curry

Even while making brinjal curry, cumin seeds are not used. Cumin can badly affect the taste of brinjal. Therefore, if you are making brinjal bharta or brinjal potato curry, then you should avoid using this spice.

Arbi and Pumpkin

Arbi vegetable should not be sprinkled with cumin seeds. If you are making arbi curry, then you should use celery while making it. Apart from this, cumin is also not used in pumpkin vegetable. If you want to make tasty pumpkin vegetable, then you should use fenugreek while making it.


Some people add cumin seeds while making macaroni to give it an Indian touch. If you are also thinking of doing this, then let us tell you that using cumin while making macaroni can spoil the taste of your dish.

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