While making Paneer Paratha, do this small work, the stuffing will not come out, the food will taste delicious, know the recipe.

Paneer Paratha Recipe
Paratha is a recipe which people generally like very much. This dish can be eaten any time for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Today we are going to tell you the recipe of making Paneer Paratha. While making Paneer Paratha, people often complain that the stuffing comes out of the paratha due to which it is difficult to make. If you are also troubled by this problem, then today we have brought a great trick for you. By trying this you can make soft and spongy parathas. So, let us know how to make wonderful Paneer Parathas?
Ingredients to make Paneer Paratha:
Flour – 2 cups, grated cheese – 1 cup, boiled potatoes – 2, ginger garlic – grated, green chillies – 2, cumin powder – half teaspoon, coriander powder – half teaspoon, red chilli powder – half teaspoon, garam masala – 1½ spoon, mango powder – half spoon, butter, salt – as per taste
Method to make Paneer Paratha:
First step: To make Paneer Paratha, first knead soft wheat flour. After this, apply a little oil on the dough and keep it covered with a wet cloth for 10 minutes. Kneading a soft dough prevents the stuffing from coming out.
Second step: Now mash the cheese and potatoes well in a deep vessel. After this, add green chilli, grated ginger garlic, cumin powder, coriander powder, garam masala, red chilli powder, dry mango powder, salt as per taste and green coriander leaves and mix well. Paratha masala is ready.
Third step: Now take balls of dough and roll them to the size of a puri. After that fill the cheese stuffing in it and give a round shape to the edges and close the stuffing in the middle. Now press this circle lightly and roll the paratha with light hands like a roti.
Fourth step: Now turn on the gas and pour some oil in a non-stick pan on medium flame and spread it all around. Now roast the paratha on both sides on medium flame and apply oil or butter on it. Fry the paratha until both sides become golden brown. Your Paneer Paratha is ready.