What should be put in a lemon tree? The work will be done in just Rs 10

How to grow lemon?
Adulteration has started happening in many things sold in the market. Consuming adulterated items can be detrimental to your health. Home farming means things grown at home can be many times purer than things sold in the market. If you also like to plant different plants at home, then you should also plant a lemon plant at your home. Let us know how…
How to grow a lemon plant?
To grow a lemon plant, first buy a plant from any nursery. Fill the pot with soil. Lemon plant needs both sunlight and water. However, the amount of water should be limited because excess water can have a negative impact on the health of this plant. Add only enough water to moisten the soil.
How to make fertilizer?
To ensure that the lemon plant gets proper nutrition, you can make fertilizer for just Rs 10. Mix a little whey or buttermilk in one liter of copper sulphate water. You have to pour this water in the pot after one or two days of weeding. When the soil of the pot or the roots become slightly dry, then you have to use this fertilizer. By following this tip, you can easily make fertilizer for lemon plants at home.
thing to note
For your information, let us tell you that you should not use fertilizer made from whey in small pots. For this you will need a big pot. If you do not want to use this method, then you can also use vermi compost or cow dung as fertilizer. Keep trimming the lemon plant a little. By following such tips, you can grow lemon plant at home.