There is no compromise with breakfast, eat one bowl full of this thing in the morning, still the weight will start reducing rapidly, you will not feel hungry for hours.

breakfast for weight loss
Nowadays people have become very alert regarding health. Want to eat only healthy things for breakfast. So that fitness is maintained and weight is also controlled. If you want to lose weight then definitely eat sprouts in breakfast. Sprouts will keep you full for a long time and your weight will also be under control. You can eat sprouts even after filling your stomach, it still reduces obesity. You can make sprouts by mixing mung dal, black or white gram and peanuts. The special thing is that it does not take much time to make sprouts. Soak all the things overnight and in the morning eat them raw or lightly boiled, mixed with your favorite vegetables. If you want to make sprouts tasty then you can add chopped onion, tomato, green chilli, green coriander and some fruits to it. To make spicy and tasty sprouts, add chaat masala and lemon on top. If you eat this breakfast for a month, your weight will start reducing.
Muldal, gram and peanuts are storehouse of protein. Sprouts prepared by mixing these three things control your appetite. Eating this food without oil and calories leads to rapid weight loss. Gram and peanuts provide essential vitamins to the body, while peanuts rich in Vitamin E are also beneficial for health.
How to make sprouts of gram, peanuts and mung dal
1 handful black gram or you can also take white gram instead. Soak gram in water. In this, soak 1 handful of moong dal and 1 handful of peanuts in water overnight.
When you want to make sprouts, drain the water and wash peanuts, gram and green gram thoroughly 1-2 times. Now add finely chopped onion, one tomato, 1-2 green chillies and green coriander and mix it. You can also mix these things in raw sprouts. Or boil the sprouts and mix these vegetables.
You can also add other vegetables of your choice like carrots, beetroot, corn, broccoli or other vegetables. You can also eat sprouts by adding pomegranate seeds and chopped apples to them. Some people also mix soaked dry fruits to make it more healthy.
Put all the things in a bowl and mix them. Add lemon to it and add chaat masala and salt. Spicy and delicious sprouts are ready, which will reduce your weight even if you eat them on a full stomach. There can’t be anything more healthy than this to eat for breakfast.