Put this one thing in the curry leaf plant, the plant will always remain green, the curry plant will start growing rapidly.

Curry Plants Growth Tips
Curry leaves have more benefits than they taste delicious. The curry leaf plant grows easily at home and also grows quite large. Most people keep curry leaves planted in a pot. This not only makes your garden look green but also purifies the air of the house. If curry leaves are properly taken care of, they grow very fast. Yes, due to mistake the curry leaf plant dries up and dies. If your curry leaves are not growing well then you should take care of some important things. With this, your curry leaf plant will start growing rapidly with very little maintenance.
What to do for the growth of curry leaves?
Take care of the weather- Any plant grows well only in its season. In winter, the growth of curry leaves and many other plants stops. In such weather, it is not good to give too much fertilizer to the plant. Due to this the curry leaves may turn yellow and dry up. Keep the plant in mild sunlight in winter and water it only when it dries.
How to make curry leaves green- At the end of winter i.e. in the month of February, curry leaves start flowering. This affects the growth of the plant. If you want the curry plant to grow dense and big, then cut off the flowering branch from above. By doing this, new branches will start emerging from the sides and bottom of the plant. In this way the curry leaf plant will become denser and greener than before.
Which fertilizer should be applied in curry leaf plant? While planting curry leaves plant, make a mixture of cocopeat, vermicompost and soil in the pot. Planting the plant in this will improve the growth of curry leaves. You can also use moss in this. Keep watering the plant when the soil dries. In this way the curry leaf plant will remain green and grow rapidly.
Pour rice water into the plant- If you want good growth of the plant then use free rice fertilizer for it. Pour rice water into the plant once a week. For this, rub the rice and soak it in water for 1 hour. Now filter the rice water and pour it into the soil of the curry leaf plant. Add rice water and hoe the soil. This will improve the growth of the curry plant.