If the Tulsi plant planted at home is blooming happily then follow these tips, it will always remain green.

Tulsi plant
Tulsi has great importance in Hindu religion, which is why Tulsi plant will be found in most of the Hindu homes. Tulsi plant is also very beneficial for health reasons as it has been given the status of medicine. But often the problem of people is that the basil plant in their house dries up again and again. Even after taking a lot of care, if your basil plant is drying up, then we are going to tell you some tips, with the help of which you can keep your basil green – Can be kept full.
Follow these tips to keep the basil plant green:
Soil for Tulsi: It is most important to choose the right soil for the basil plant. Plant a basil plant in 70 percent soil and 30 percent sand, this will protect the basil plant from rotting and will remain green for a long time.
Mix cow dung in soil: Cow dung has great importance and is very good for plants. But don’t put cow dung in Tulsi like this, instead dry it and make it into a powder like form and then add it to the soil. With this, the basil plant will remain green in every season and the plant will grow lots of leaves.
The pot should be like this: For Tulsi, the mouth of the pot should be wide and the pot should be deep. Make two holes in the bottom of the pot and place a piece of paper or a piece of pitcher at the bottom, after which add soil along with compost and sand.
Keep this in mind while watering: While planting a basil plant, keep in mind that do not water it too much, there is a possibility of fungus growing in the roots of basil if there is too much water. Therefore, in winter, water has to be poured once in 4-5 days.
How to protect yourself from insectsAlthough there are no insects in the Tulsi plant, if insects are infesting your Tulsi then you can use Neem oil spray. Add 10 drops of Neem oil in one liter of water and spray it on the leaves of the plant, this problem will be solved.