If pimples appear again and again on the face, then definitely try this amazing home remedy.

Face pack to get rid of pimples
Pimples often badly affect the beauty of your face. If you also want to get rid of pimples and get flawless skin, then you should include honey and cinnamon in your skin care routine. Honey and cinnamon face pack, rich in medicinal properties, can improve the health of your skin to a great extent. Let us know how to make this natural face pack.
Honey-Cinnamon Face Pack
To make honey and cinnamon face pack, you will need one spoon honey and half spoon cinnamon powder. If you want, you can also use 2-4 drops of cinnamon oil instead of cinnamon powder. Take both the things in a bowl and mix them well. Now you can make this thick paste a part of your skin care routine.
correct way to use
Apply this natural face pack on your entire face and neck area. Keep this face pack made of honey and cinnamon on the face for about 15 minutes. You can use lukewarm water to wash face. After washing your mouth, you will see your face looking healthy. You can use this face pack once or twice a week.
boon for skin
Let us tell you that this chemical free face pack can prove to be a boon for your skin. The elements found in honey and cinnamon can prove to be effective in removing your pimples. Applying this face pack in winter will soften your dry and lifeless skin. However, you must do a patch test once before applying this face pack on your entire face.