How to make white butter at home, know the easy way, apply it on paratha and roti and eat it in abundance.

White Butter Making
It is a pleasure to eat hot paratha with white butter flowing on it in winter. In the village, mother used to prepare white butter from curd and milk. In Mathura Vrindavan you will get white butter for offering to Kanha. Parathas are served with white butter in many hotels and dhabas. Eating millet and maize roti with white butter increases its taste manifold. If you want, you can prepare white butter at home. Perfectly white butter can be extracted from fresh cream. Know how to make butter from cream?
How to remove white butter from cream?
First step- If you want, you can use only 1 day old cream to extract butter. Or store the cream in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. To make 1 bowl of butter, you will need a little more than 1 bowl of cream.
Second step- We are telling you how to extract butter in two ways: one is by setting curd, i.e. after adding curd to cream and stirring it, butter is extracted. Like butter is extracted in the village in a traditional way. Secondly, butter can be extracted by stirring the cream directly without adding curd.
Third step- If you want to extract butter directly from cream, then put the cream in the mixer and keep stirring. Add half cup of water as per your choice. This will make it easier to mix the cream in the mixer. Now the cream has to be stirred until the butter and water separate. Cream will come out only after running the mixer for about 5-10 minutes.
Fourth step- Now another way is to add 1-2 cups of hot milk to the cream. The temperature of milk and cream should be such that it feels slightly warm in the hand. Now add 2 spoons of curd in it and keep it covered in a warm place to set. By morning the cream and milk will solidify like curd.
Fifth step- Now take out the butter by putting it in a mixer or stirring it with a churner. In this way also butter will come out easily in the mixer. Butter comes out from the churner after a long time and even hands start hurting while stirring it. If you feel that butter is not coming out then add very cold water.
Sixth step- Now take out the butter with a spoon and keep it in a bowl. Add half a cup of water to the butter and wash it 1-2 times. Now mix some salt in butter. This will make the taste even better. If you want, you can use butter without salt also.
Seventh step- You can easily eat this butter throughout the week by keeping it in the fridge. White butter tastes very tasty when applied on roti and paratha. Use this butter daily instead of ghee. You will get rich taste and nutritious elements.