Gram greens will save you from cold, it tastes fun to eat with millet roti, know this quick recipe to make greens.

Chana Saag Recipe
Winter is the season for green vegetables, leafy vegetables and greens. Bathua, fenugreek and gram greens are also sold in winter. There might be many of you who have never eaten gram greens before. Let us tell such people that gram greens are prepared from the gram plant. When the gram plant is small, its leaves are plucked and greens are made. People also eat these gram leaves raw. Gram greens are slightly sour. Once you prepare and eat gram greens, you will not like the taste of any other greens. Bhaji is also prepared from green gram leaves. Like other greens, gram greens are also very beneficial. Know the easy recipe of making gram saag.
Recipe to make Chana Ka Saag
First step- About 1 bunch of gram greens, 2 spoons of maize flour, 2-3 green chillies, some ginger, 5-6 cloves of garlic, 1 tomato, asafoetida, cumin, salt, red chilli and ghee or oil for seasoning are required.
Now select the gram greens, wash them and chop them finely. Cut the greens with the help of a knife or scissors. Gram leaves are very soft and can be cut easily. Now cut green chillies into pieces and also chop ginger and tomato.
Second step- Now add gram greens, ginger, green chillies and asafoetida in a cooker or any pan, add 1 big cup of water to the greens and keep it to boil. Cook the greens on medium flame until they melt. When the greens are cooked, add corn flour to water and make a thin paste. Add this solution to the greens and mix.
Third step- Now cook the saag while stirring until it becomes slightly smooth and thick. If the saag seems thick then add some more water. Now add salt to the vegetables. When the greens are completely cooked, prepare the tadka for it. Add ghee or oil in a pan. Add cumin, asafoetida and chopped garlic into it. Now add chopped tomatoes and 1-2 dry red chillies and ground red chilli.
Fourth step- Add the prepared tadka to the greens. This will increase the taste of the vegetables manifold. If you like garam masala, you can add some to the saag. Now put this saag in a plate and serve it with maize or millet roti. If you serve white butter along with greens, the taste will increase manifold.