Fake asafoetida tadka is like poison for health, this is how to identify real and adulterated asafoetida.

How to identify real asafoetida
Indian spices are famous all over the world. We use many types of spices in our kitchen for cooking. Each of these spices has its own special taste and importance. If you do not add any one spice then the taste of the vegetable changes. Nowadays, fake spices are being sold in the market in the name of real ones. In such a situation, we are not able to differentiate between fake and real. Due to this, today in this article we will tell you the trick to identify fake and real spices. The name of the spice we are going to talk about today is asafoetida. Asafoetida is used in most of the houses while seasoning vegetables, pulses or curries. The aroma of asafoetida is very strong. Besides, adding it adds fragrance to any dish and it also keeps the digestion healthy.
What are the properties of asafoetida?
Asafoetida is obtained from the root of a plant named Ferula Asafoetida. This plant mostly grows in cold areas like Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Iran. The fresh surface of asafoetida is shiny like a pearl but starts turning black after coming in contact with air. You will find thousands of types of asafoetida in the market. You can get asafoetida worth thousands of rupees per kg in the market. It is measured and given to you according to weight. In such a situation, asafoetida is also an important part of Indian cuisine, which enhances the taste of every food.
Identify whether asafoetida is real or fake in this way:
You must have often noticed that some asafoetida has a very strong or pungent smell. No matter how much asafoetida you add to vegetables, you neither get the taste nor the smell. Today we are going to tell you a trick with the help of which you can differentiate between fake and real asafoetida while sitting at home. First of all, you have to take a piece of asafoetida, place it directly on the fire and burn it. If any shiny substance comes out from it when it burns, then your asafoetida is real. Whereas if asafoetida is fake, no substance will come out of it. In this way you can differentiate between fake and real asafoetida.