Burning fireplace or coal in winter can lead to death within hours, do not make this mistake even by mistake in a closed room.

Do not burn these things inside the house in winter
As soon as winter arrives, people will be seen warming themselves by bonfires everywhere. In villages, towns and villages, people keep fireplaces, stoves or burning coal to ward off the cold. If you also cure your cold with the help of fireplace or bonfire at home, then be careful. Because the smoke coming out of these things can kill you. Yes, every year there are cases of suffocation due to smoke from fireplace or bonfire. Within a few hours, the dangerous smoke emanating from the fireplace, coal or stove can kill you. Know what precautions you should take?
Actually, when you burn coal, fireplace or stove, carbon monoxide is produced from the smoke. This carbon monoxide is like poison for you. When this smoke reaches our body through breath, it can kill you within a few hours. That is why it is considered like poison.
Do not burn stove or fireplace in a closed room.
According to health experts, carbon monoxide can kill you within 4 to 6 hours. If you light a fireplace or stove in a closed room, you can die within a few hours. If there are more people in the room, death can occur more quickly. The reason for this is that due to more people in the room, oxygen consumption also increases and people die due to lack of oxygen.
Be careful while lighting bonfire and fireplace
First of all, never light a bonfire or fireplace inside a closed room. Due to this, smoke accumulates inside the room. Breathing in this smoke can have serious consequences. If you are burning a bonfire or fireplace, open the doors and windows of the room completely so that the smoke can escape. Keep it inside the room only when the smoke from the fire goes out completely. Never sleep with these things burning in the room. Keep in mind that there should not be any flammable material inside the room.
What problems can smoke cause?
If you keep a stove, fireplace or bonfire burning inside the house, it can increase the difficulty of breathing and asthma patients. Due to this, the smoke reaches inside the body and harms the breath. In future, this dangerous smoke can cause problems like COPD or asthma. Therefore, to avoid cold, one should avoid burning smoky things.