Bike riders must read this news, protect yourself in this harsh winter, you will not feel cold while riding a motorcycle.

Tips For Winter Bike Ride
Some people like to travel on bike. But whenever a season is at its peak, traveling on a motorcycle or any other two-wheeler becomes most difficult. Man can somehow bear the rain and heat, but riding a bike in winter is no less than a challenge in itself. Some people like to ride a bike in the cold. But when the fog starts increasing, visibility starts decreasing and your body also does not support you, then riding a bike becomes most difficult. In the months of December and January, cold winds penetrate deep inside. Hands, feet, nose and the entire body becomes numb due to cold. In such a situation, if you also travel by bike in winter, then definitely take these measures to avoid cold.
How to protect yourself from cold as a biker
If you want to travel on a bike in winter, then first of all pack yourself. Leave the house only wearing gear like riding jacket, gloves and helmet. This will make you feel a little less cold. People riding bikes should always wear a helmet.
Those traveling on a two-wheeler should always wear multiple layers of clothing. First of all, wear a body warmer inside. On top of that, wear a sweater and then an airproof jacket, which does not allow air to pass through. With this you can protect yourself from cold on the bike.
If you do not have a windproof jacket, then you can use a very simple solution for this. Put a thick layer of newspaper inside your normal jacket or sweater. Cover your chest and waist thoroughly with a thick layer of newspaper. Due to this, air will not go inside your body.
Carry thick socks and boots in cold. Don’t forget to wear knee and elbow caps while traveling on a bike in winter. This will reduce the feeling of cold. Cover the mouth and mouth of the helmet with a woolen and warm cloth. This will reduce the impact of cold winds on the face. Always keep the helmet mirror in front of the eyes. Try to wear 2-3 layers of clothes on your feet also.