If the relationship has reached the verge of breakup, then these methods will save the relationship from breaking.

How to save your relationship from breakup?
Fights are common in relationships. But when partners often stop talking to each other instead of resolving disputes, then the bond of the relationship starts weakening. If such a situation has arisen between you and your partner, then you can make one last effort to save your relationship before deciding on a breakup. Let us know how…
remember the beginning
If you feel that there is nothing left between you and your partner, then both of you sit together and try to remember the initial phase of your relationship. In this way, you will not only remember good and old things but you will also feel like coming closer to each other once again. Remembering the good or bad times spent with each other increases the longevity of the relationship.
it’s better to apologize
You can forget everything and think about starting afresh. However, for this it is very important to apologize for all your past mistakes. Take any decision only after keeping your ego aside. By forgiving each other’s mistakes and mistakes, you can make one last effort to save your relationship and understand each other.
spend time, chat
If misunderstandings have arisen between the two of you, then to remove them you should try to spend as much time as possible with each other. Instead of being angry with each other, you can improve your relationship only by talking. Not communicating when you are angry can make things worse, so it is important to find opportunities to spend time with each other.