A story untold:Four orphaned Sisters have woken up to a new world they must not have in dreams

By D N Singh
Sibling relationships are very difficult to put into words, fight, they make-up, they fight again, it’s a mixed cycle that we all enjoy going through.
But the cycle suffers badly when the shelter of parents goes away.
Someone is required to see into such million instances but solution is paramount and real service under living for others which KIIT & KISS Founder Dr Achyut Samant could accomplish.
Adding feathers to his cap of benevolence Dr Samant spotted some siblings in Puri whose fate crashed like a house of cards some years back forcing them into abject plight of darkness.
If not anybody then Dr Samant reached out to the four orphaned sisters and gave them the solace which needs no mention.
Time passed and on the foundation day of the two institutions they were handed over appointment letters by Dr Achyuta Samanta here on Thursday.
The appointment letters were presented in keeping with the promise made by the Founder when the sisters were hit by the greatest tragedies of their lives. The four sisters of Raghurajpur village near Chandanpur of Puri District were left destitute after the death of their parents Lakshmidhar Mahapatra and his wife. It was during those times that the KISS Foundation and Dr Samanta came to their rescue after the media highlighted their plight. Dr Samanta had promised them the necessary support for their livelihood and education.
Today, the eldest sister, Ramamani, has graduated, while Madalya and Saba have obtained bachelor’s degrees. The youngest sister is studying in the 8th standard.
Dr. Samanta made it a point to meet the sisters regularly to inquire about their well-being and encouraged them to focus on their studies. He also provided financial assistance to help the elder sister complete their house, which was under construction under a government scheme.
True to his promise, Dr. Samanta has now hired the four sisters at KIIT and KISS. The sisters expressed their profound gratitude to Dr Samanta and the KISS Foundation for standing behind them rock solid over these years and providing them employment.
The local community has also widely praised the KISS Foundation and Dr. Samanta for their noble work.