Sambalpur: Sital Sasthi on with ‘Patra Pendi’

Sambalpur: Sitala Sasthi, is the marriage function of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati observed in Odisha. Sital Sasthi 2023 date is May 25.
The festival begins on the Jyeshtha Shukla Panchami day (May 24, 2023). The most famous Sitala Sasthi Yatra (Sital Sasthi Yatra) is held at Sambalpur in Odisha. Symbolically, Lord Shiva represents the scorching heat of the summer and Goddess Parvati the first showers. It is believed that lavish wedding is for a good monsoon.
As per the rituals, Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati are adopted by two families as their son and daughter. It is considered to be a great fortune as these families become parents of these divine couple. Their wedding ceremony ‘devadampati’ is conducted by following all traditional Hindu rituals of marriage.
Patra Pendi, a ritual marking the beginning of the Sital Sasthi Jatra, was observed with traditional fervour and gaiety by Nandapada Sital Sasthi Jatra Committee at Balunkeswar temple here on Monday evening.
Like other marriages, the parents of Lord Shiva look for a bride and then send a formal proposal to the parents of the bride for marriage. This formal proposal takes place during ‘Patar Pendi’ where the heads of the locality go to the house of the bride. In this ritual, father of the groom gives a bundle of Sal leaves to the bride’s father.
After the end of the ritual, ‘Deba Nimantran’ ritual of Balunkeswar Baba will be held on Friday in which invitation is extended to gods and goddess in different temples in the town besides the public. ‘Patra Pendi’ ritual of two other committees will be held on May 24.
Thousands of devotees and visitors gathered to have a glimpse of the divine couple during the Sital Sasthi festival.