Odisha targets to disburse Rs.9500 crore crop loan during Kharif 2023

Bhubaneswar, April 28: Odisha government has targeted to disburse crop loans of Rs 9500 crore in Kharif-2023.
State Co-operation, Food Supplies & Consumer Welfare Minister Atanu Sabyasachi Nayak has instructed that financing of pulses, oilseeds, potato and other remunerative cash crops should be prioritized with the thrust on small and marginal farmers, tenant farmers, oral lessees,
sharecroppers and women self-help groups,
Nayak said as over 60 percent of the population of the State depends on agriculture for their livelihood support they need to be provided with institutional financial support for their agricultural operations.
The Short Term Cooperative Credit Structure (OSCB,DCCBs & PACS) having a major share in crop loan dispensation in the State is mandated to ensure provision of timely credit through PACS as per requirement of the farm families of the State.
During last Kharif 2022 season, the Cooperatives have disbursed crop loans of Rs. 8710.78 crore to 18,00,999 farmers against the target of Rs. 9000 crore which, the minister said is an all time high.
During Rabi 2022-23 season, as on 29.03.2023, the Cooperatives have disbursed an amount of Rs.7812.22 crore loans to 16,23,790 for cultivation of Rabi crops.
The State Government has decided for disbursement of Crop loan to the farmers at zero rate of interest up to Rs.1 lakh from Cooperative Banks/ PACS, Commercial and Regional Rural Banks in
the State by providing interest subvention to the Banks.
In respect of crop loans above Rs.1 lakh to Rs.3 lakh, the effective rate of interest will be 2 percent
for prompt paying farmers.
Principal Secretary, Co-operation Sanjeev Kumar Chadha has written to all collectors to take expeditious steps to ensure implementation of the Programme for Kharif-2023 and financing Crop loans in the right perspective in the interest of the farming community.