Odisha: Plus Two Exam Ends, Evaluation To Begin From April 10

The Council of Higher Secondary Education (CHSE), Odisha announced that the evaluation of answer sheets of Plus 2 examinations 2023 will start from April 10.
The evaluation process will be conducted in two phases, the CHSE said.
The first phase of evaluation will be held from April 10 to 22 and the second phase will be conducted from April 23 to May 7.
More than 3.5 lakh students had appeared the exams, which were conducted from March 1 to April 5 at 1,145 examination centers across Odisha.
Evaluation of answer-sheets of Matric examination has also started from 3rd. Teachers, students will evaluate the answer sheets in 56 centers across the State. For this, teachers and students have joined the work evaluation centers.
It has been informed that about 13 thousand teachers and students will chack the answer-sheets of more than 5 lakh candidates who appeared matriculation exam this year.