Odisha Govt Nod to Rs 3,500-Crore For 866 New Bridges & Make Cuttack Ring Road 6-Lane

Bhubaneswar: Odisha government has decided to make Cuttack ring road six-lane. The State Cabinet has approved a proposal in this regard. This road project will be six lane carriageway road from Khannagar to Linkroad in Cuttack city with a length of 2.1 Km.
The Cabinet approved the lowest EPC tender of RKD Construction Pvt Ltd amounting to Rs.121,65,00,000.00 (Rupees one hundred twenty one crore sixty five lakh) only for execution of the above work.
The work is targeted for completion within a period of 24 (Twenty four) calendar months.
It will be undertaken under State Sector-Road Development Programme.
Purchasing of E-vehicle will become cheaper as the Government increased subsidy amount for the buyers.
The Cabinet decided to increase the purchase subsidy of electric vehicles to make Odisha Electric Vehicle Policy 2021 more progressive and attract people to purchase EVs.
In another decision, the Cabinet also approved the amendment of Odisha Specified Minor Minerals Auction Rules, 2019.
The Cabinet gave its nod for promulgation of Ordinance for amendment of the Odisha State Commission for Backward Classes (OSCBC) Act, 1993 by inserting subsection 3 under Section – 9.
It will enable the State government to include such Backward Classes in the State list of SEBCs, if the said Backward Classes have been specified in the central list of OBCs for the State of Odisha.
The Cabinet also approved restructuring the cadre strength of Odisha Forest Service Group B and Group A by increasing 76 no of posts.