L Eshwar Rao Creates Miniature Idols Of Hockey World Cup Trophy

Bhubaneswar: L Eshwar Rao, a talented artist based in Jatni, has crafted two miniature versions of the prestigious trophy for the FIH Odisha Hockey Men’s World Cup 2023.
The first sculpture is a 4-inch high replica of the trophy, which he expertly fit inside a 750 ml bottle. He also created a second sculpture, a half-inch replica of the trophy, which he carved onto the tip of a pencil.
The process of creating the 4-inch model took him eight days, while the pencil nib sculpture was completed in just two days.
Through these creations, Rao extends his congratulations to all the 16 teams competing in the World Cup and expresses his hope that the Indian team will bring home the coveted trophy.