No more merry-go-round on the capital roads, someone is watching you; see what can trouble you

Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
It is no more merry go round any more on the streets of the state capital Bhubaneswar. And no curtain call for that.
Every commuter on the roads will be in the wide lenses of the traffic authorities and for any violations shall be dealt with all seriousness and penal procedures.
The checking has started from Tuesday it self and the scanner shall be kept intact till the 21st of October.
Just see what all one is supposed to take care of to avoid punishment or any penal imposition in case.
Driving at high speed or rash driving (breaking the speed limits)
Not wearing helmets while on the two wheeler.
Using mobile phones while driving
And any violation of traffic rules.
Any violation shall lead to the suspension of licences spanning up to three months and a heavy fine can also be levied.
The checking start from 9am to 2 pm in the afternoon and shall again continue after a break from 3pm to 7pm in the evening.
And this comes into effect due to increasing number of accidents for which the Supreme Court has directed the States to enforce traffic riles. Likewise, the state Transport Authority has instructed the district authorities to enforce the rules in the respective areas.