2 Files of Jagannatha Temple Administration gone Invisible

The Law Department has landed in soup as two files of the Puri Jagannath Temple Administration (JTA) have gone missing.
The incident came to the fore after the Deputy Secretary of the Department wrote to all the sections under it to locate those two files on a priority basis.
The files will be reportedly used for compliance with an order of the Orissa High Court.
“In inviting a reference to the subject cited above, the undersigned is directed to say that two files of JTA Section bearing No-JTA-55/2006(pt) and JTA-06/2014 are untraceable in the records of JTA Section. Therefore, it is hereby requested to all sections of this Department to conduct search operation in their records on a priority basis and submit the said files, if available, to JTA Section immediately for compliance of the order of Hon’ble High Court,” the circular issued by state Law department read.
The non-traceability of the files may also be intimated to this Section for further necessary action, the department Deputy Secretary A Mahanty requested in the official communique.
This incident has triggered debate across the State among people from all walks of life. Previously, the keys of Ratna Bhandara, which are said to be still missing, had raised the eyebrows of many.