A disabling heat condition stares at India when human safety seems may be in peril

By D N Singh
It may sound a bit nightmarish but the predictions cannot be seen just as assumptions given the bottom reality in India’s many states.
It also reminds the deadly heat conditions that blighted many parts in 1998, of Odisha in particular when it had claimed over 2000 lives and many heat related complications made thousands sick.
Since last few days the heat is not only disabling but slowly threatens the human survivability in many parts of the country.
The World Bank report titled “Climate Investment Opportunities in India’s Cooling Sector” said the country is experiencing higher temperatures that arrive earlier and stay far longer.
Severe heat waves, responsible for thousands of deaths across India over the last many years.
The report will be released during the two-day “India Climate and Development Partners’ Meet” being organised by World Bank in partnership with the Kerala government here. Predicting that heat waves situation in India could break the human survivability limit, it said the recent heat wave supports what many climate scientists have long cautioned about with reference to rising temperatures across South Asia, as reported by The Economics Times.
Rapid desertification and an invasion by an unregulated concrete monstrosity has undisputedly ushered in a stage when the nature’s fury may endanger survivability of all.