Stay away from electric poles & lines in rainy season: Power board warns people

Hamirpur (HP), July 15: In order to prevent accidents due to electric current during the rainy season, the officials of the Electricity Board Limited have appealed to all the citizens to take precautions and stay away from the electric poles and power lines.
A spokesman of the power board today appealed to all the people to maintain proper distance from electric poles and lines. He said everyone should avoid touching electric poles during the rainy season, do not tie cattle with these poles, do not hold any social or private function under electric lines and maintain proper distance from new buildings to electric lines.
The assistant engineer of the power board said if there is sparking on the pole in the rain and water is filled nearby, then avoid going through that path or in the water and do not climb the trees adjacent to the power line. If any power line has become loose due to rain and has come close to the ground, immediately inform the electrical personnel or junior engineer.
The Assistant Engineer said there should not be encroachment around transformers and poles and only good quality electrical equipment should be installed in the house. Earthling must be done during electrical fitting in the house.
He said that if a person gets electrocuted, then first of all, standing on a dry place with dry shoes, try to get rid of that person with a dry wood or plastic etc. insulated object. If there is an electric shock in the house, immediately switch off the main switch.
The Assistant Engineer has urged all the consumers that if there is a power failure during the rains, keep calm and do not create unnecessary ruckus and instead of calling immediately, wait for 10 minutes. He also appealed to all the consumers for cooperation during the rainy season.