Worst ever earthquake since many decades, compared to that quake in 1999 in Izmit 17,000 people dead, and over 5,00,000

Mobilenews24x7 Bureau (Exclusive)
Deaths in Turky-Syria continues to rise as it has crossed almost 4000 by Tueasday and this one of the most devastating erath quakes and had several aftershocks in just 12 hours.
Heavy rain and snow still make it hard to recover bodies or survivors underneat. As records show this is the worst earthquake since 1999. .
However, Turkey’s location, on several fault lines, makes it uniquely prone to far more earthquakes, and ones that have claimed lives by the tens of thousands.
A report from President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Monday’s disaster was the worst in decades, remembering the Erzincan earthquake in eastern Turkey which killed nearly 33,000 people.
Here’s a brief look at some of the other earthquakes Turkey has witnessed in the past.
33,000 is not a small number in anyway. In 1999, Izmit, a city in northwestern Turkey. witnessed the deadliest quake Turkey had seen in nearly 80 years. The earthquake, also called the Kocaeli earthquake, struck near Izmit on 17 August, 1999 at around 3 am. The 7.4-magnitude earthquake and subsequent aftershocks left over 17,000 people dead, and over 5,00,000 homeless.