Recap:Published on 19/03/23
Mobilenews24x7 Bureau
Bullet proof car, PMO visiting card,US PhD, roaming in and around PMO masquerading as Additional Director in PMO, Kiran Patel allegedly visited sensitive areas near LOC with a Z-plus security, basically from Gujarat, now in jail.
What our high security apparatus is doing! Introducing as above moving in a Scorpio(bulletproof), snubbing senior officers for many lapses and nobody had a clue. It is not about laxity but a big question mark on out vigil as a whole.
However, ours a reactive society and now it has come to the limelight that, perhaps, Kiran Patel was not an unknown quantity for the people in Delhi or in Kashmir. How?
The major question is who allots Z-Plus security and who did it for the accused (acquaintance) Kiran Patel. Who masqueraded as an Addl Dir in PMO. Is our security network so porous and it is hard to believe.
And who allotted him the Z-Plus security in Kashmir? And how come he smashed all the iron curtains in most sensitive areas. And roamed freely all around the high security zones without any eyebrows raised.
Even after his arrest, why the news was kept as a guarded secret for a week almost.
Another question is what are the paraphernalia followed in giving I Cards of such important posts which relates to national security.
Was he meeting with our Home minister as reported in some media platforms.